Initially, the reader is first drawn to the attention of the main heading; 'This Lady's not for turning!' There is a significance in this choice of language due to the fact it's referring to one of the most powerful and influential leaders in Britain as 'this lady'. This may undermine her importance by choosing not to refer to her name. The overall tone of the article's title could perhaps be seen as subverting a formal issue and addressing it in a much more informal way. They have done this by choosing to not to use her well known name regardless of the attention it may bring to the reader. The title is also referring to a previous famous British political speech from Margret Thatcher, the article cleverly repeats the well known phrase to attract the readers attention and remind them of past occurrences. The powerful verb 'slams' emphasises to the reader the importance of the article by using overdramatic language, this may draw in the readers attention more to this particular news issue.

The guardian presents the tragic news issue using a very formal and powerful main heading; 'The world stands disgraced'... This title is straight to the point which provokes the reader to feel emotional and upset, especially due to the main photo of a distressed child which follows.
The use of the world 'disgraced' brings out a negative side to the article, it tells the reader that the story is going to contain an upsetting news issue, the subheading focuses on some of the stories key points which mentions 'deaths' and individuals who have been 'killed'. The main heading
refers to the 'world', this highlights that the story is a collective issue which may perhaps make the reader feel more involved and want to read more. The title uses a hyperbolic technique to exaggerate the importance of the story as well as emphasise its relevance.

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