Comparing Editorial Comment
The Guardian

Similarities between them both:
1) Small masthead
2)Column Style- text based (no images)
3)Authoritative, persuasive tone
4)Subheading, outlines opinion
5)Based on current affairs
6)Two different comment articles
The Daily Mail

1) The daily mail contains much briefer, less detailed information than the guardian.
2) The daily mail contains more colloquial language which makes it appear less formal then the guardian, which in comparison has a more formal tone throughout the article.
3) Due to the language style in the guardian, it appears to be a more professional article in comparison to the daily mail.
4) The daily mail is quite biased with a nationalistic slant, where as, the guardians comment is more objective.
Gratification theory:
Uses and gratification theory is a popular approach to understanding mass communication. The theory places more focus on the consumer, or audience, instead of the actual message itself by asking 'what do people do with media' rather than 'what does media do to people'.
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