Promotional Photography- My Images 3) This first image portrays the artist to be a strong and confident individual as he is directly looking into the camera- this alters the mood and style of the shot in comparison to 'Shot 2' as it creates more intimacy with the viewer of the shot, almost as if he is looking directly at them. 2) This image taken shows my artist holding a guitar as a prop- this is significant as it links with the musical element and adds to the overall theme of creating music. It emphases his interest and dedication as an artist himself and matches the genre. 3) Unlike some of the other various images taken, this particular shot has been taken with much 'softer' lighting. This means it appears to be much more smooth and consistent with fewer shadows. This effect works well considering the artist is wearing a white top so it blends much better with the background. However, the colour of the guitar still brea...